Best practices and common disapprovals for Google Ads extensions

Best practices and common disapprovals for Google Ads extensions
Google Ads Google Ads Audit PPC [pay per click] for busy people

Best practices and common disapprovals for Google Ads extensions

Best Practices

Enable extensions that make sense for your business
Make your extensions as relevant as possible
Use bids in order to control CPCs

Sitelink extensions
Apply at least 4 sitelink extensions per group or campaign.
Create up to ten in order for the system to rotate the best ones in each auction
Include descriptions with your sitelinks
Add up to 25 characters per sitelink [text]
Add up to 35 characters per line of description text [2 lines]

Image extensions
Use visuals that are relevant to your keywords, landing pages, campaigns, and most importantly your ads.
Provide images with the proper specs
Images need to have the most important content in the center of the image

Callout extensions
2 is the minimum in order for callout extensions to show with your ads
Highlight unique attributes that will increase your CTR

Structured snippets
12 characters or less are ideal for mobile devices
Include as many relevant snippets as possible

Lead form extensions
Qualify potential leads by adding more questions inside your lead form

Call extension
Consider adding different phone numbers for offerings that vary considerably in value

Price extensions
Provide links to respective landing and/or product pages

Location extensions
Use filters when creating location extensions in order to assign to particular campaigns and ad groups

Upgraded extensions

Device preference for mobile
Call extension start and end time
App extensions ad schedule
Price and structure snippets start and end time and ad schedule
Price and structure ad schedule


Common disapprovals [sitelink]

The following is not allowed

Link text repetition
Using the same link text for more than one sitelink
Note: Reusing link text is not allowed even if each sitelink points to a different destination.

Duplicate URLs
Multiple sitelinks in the same campaign or ad group that point to the same landing page or the same content

Sitelinks that point to the same landing page or the same content
Examples: Links to different tabs on the same webpage, links to different anchors or fragment identifiers on the same webpage
Note: Approximately 80% of the content on a page should be unique for that webpage to count as a different destination.

Third-party URLs

Sitelink URLs that don’t match the domain of the ad’s final URL
Note: While links should normally point to the same domain as the ad URL, we do allow links to point to third-party sites, under limited circumstances. Some examples include links to select online retailers (Amazon, Best Buy), a Facebook page, Twitter account, YouTube video, LinkedIn profile, or Instagram account. In such cases, the link text must be descriptive of what someone would find at the link destination. It should also include the full domain name in the text.

For example, “Watch our video on” should lead to your video on YouTube.

Punctuation and symbols in sitelink extensions

Punctuation and symbols in the link text or description that serve no purpose other than to draw attention to the ad
Examples: Exclamation marks, punctuation at the beginning of the text, adding a â–ş symbol

Unclear relevance

Common disapprovals [call extension]

Unverified phone number

Unacceptable phone number

Common disapprovals [callout extension]

Punctuation and symbols in callout extensions
Punctuation and symbols in callout text that serve no purpose other than to draw attention to the ad

Examples: Exclamation marks, punctuation at the beginning of the text, adding a â–ş symbol


Common disapprovals [location extension]

Location owner approval
Advertising a business location without the explicit approval of the business owner at that location

Misleading content
Unclear relevance

Common disapprovals [promotion extension]

Promo codes in Promotion extensions
Text in the Promo code field that isn’t a promo code

Related policies and common disapprovals
Unavailable offers
Unclear relevance
Unavailable language

Common disapprovals [price extension]

Header and description requirements
Price information in the header or description
Promotional text in the header or description

URL requirements
Extension URLs that do not lead to the same final URL domain as the text ad they are attached to

Brand requirements
Headers containing anything other than brand names
Headers containing brands that aren’t offered by your business
Descriptions containing anything other than information about the brand mentioned in the header

Event requirements
Headers containing anything other than information about specific events
Descriptions containing anything other than details about the event mentioned in the header

Location requirements
Headers containing anything other than names of locations relevant to your business
Descriptions containing anything other than details about the location mentioned in the header

Neighborhood requirements
Headers containing anything other than the names of sub-regions or districts within a city or region
Descriptions containing anything other than details about the neighborhood mentioned in the header

Product category requirements
Headers containing anything other than names of product categories
Descriptions containing anything other than details about the product category mentioned in the header

Product tier requirements
Headers containing anything other than levels or sizes of a product
Descriptions containing anything other than details about the product tier mentioned in the header

Service requirements
Headers containing anything other than types of services
Descriptions containing anything other than details about the service mentioned in the header

Service category requirements
Headers containing anything other than services categories
Descriptions containing anything other than details about the service category mentioned in the header

Service tier requirements
Headers containing anything other than levels of a service
Descriptions containing anything other than details about the service tier mentioned in the header

Unclear relevance
Unavailable offers

If you want to know more about Google Ads audits, then visit the following link

Google Ads Audit guide & free [Notion & Google Sheets] template

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